World Sports Racing Prototypes

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1986 1987 Drivers CAT (info)

CAT - final positions and tables

Year Group Official Championship Title
1986 - Can-Am Teams Championship
1986 U2L Can-Am Teams Championship
1987 - CAT Thunder Cars Championship

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1986 - Can-Am Teams Championship

1. Horst Kroll (CDN)Frissbee KR3 Chevrolet 79 ----15
2. Bill Tempero (USA)March 84C / 85C 69 ----16
3. Lou Sell (USA)March 85C / 832 Chevrolet/BMW 41 ----12
4. Al Lamb ()Frissbee GR2 Chevrolet 41 ----21
5. Mauro Lanaro (USA)March 744/77B / - 39 ----4

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1986 - Can-Am Teams Championship (group: U2L)

1. Mauro Lanaro (USA)March 744/77B / - 44 -----
2. Dennis Ehrie (USA)Wise / Longhorn - 39 -----
3. Randy Zimmer (USA)Rondel M1 / March 83C 33 -----
4. Seann Burgess (CDN)March RX10-B Mazda 32 -----
5. Jeremy Hill (CDN)Photon JH2 Hart/Ford 30 -----

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1987 - CAT Thunder Cars Championship

1. Bill Tempero (USA)March 85C Chevrolet ------

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Presented by WSRP Martin Krejci.
Last update: 2.10.2005