World Sports Racing Prototypes

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Porsche 908 chassis numbers

Porsche 908 chassis:

Chassis Model Year Group First owner Next owners (year) Comment
908-000 Langheck Coupe Stahl breit 15' 3/4/1968 P3.0 Porsche System   One of three never raced prototypes. Scrapped 12/11/1968.
908-001 Kurzheck Coupe Stahl 16/3/1968 P3.0 Porsche System   One of three never raced prototypes. On 9.4.1968 used during Essais Nürburgring. Maybe scapped??
908-002 Langheck Coupe Stahl schmal 13' 3/41968 P3.0 Porsche System   One of three never raced prototypes. Used in Monza Essais 17/4/1968. Scrapped 12/11/1968.
908-003 Langheck Coupe Stahl schmal 13' 20/4/1968 P3.0 Porsche System   In 1985 as base for rebuilt bodywork of 908 025 by G. Sutterfield.
908-004 Langheck Coupe Stahl schmal 13' 20/4/1968 P3.0 Porsche System   Scrapped 12/11/1968.
908-005 Coupe Stahl kurz 15' (Weinsberg) 1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-006 Coupe Stahl kurz 15' (Weinsberg) 21/8/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-007 Coupe Stahl kurz 15' 11/5/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-008 Coupe Stahl kurz 15' 1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-009 Coupe Stahl kurz 15' 18/5/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-010 Coupe Stahl kurz 15' 21/5/1968 P3.0 Porsche System => ?, CH => ?, USA (~2006) Destroyed in Neerspasch's accident. Still exists today completely restored (2006).
908-011 Coupe Stahl kurz 15' 21/5/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-012 908/02 offen Alu-Mekaco Rahmen 15‘ 22/1/1968 P3.0 Porsche System   Scrapped 25/6/1969.
908-013 Langheck Coupe Alu-Rahmen breit 15‘ 6/8/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-014 Langheck Coupe Alu Rahmen breit 15‘ 18/9/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-015 Langheck Coupe Alu Rahmen breit 15‘ 6/8/1968 P3.0 Porsche System   Wrecked in Monza test accident om 13/12/1968.
908-016 Langheck Coupe Alu Rahmen breit 15‘ 18/9/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-017 Kurzheck Coupe Stahl Rahmen 15‘ 30/9/1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-018 Kurzheck Coupe Stahl Rahmen 15‘ 1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-019 Kurzheck Coupe Stahl Rahmen 15‘ 1968 P3.0 Porsche System    
908-020 Kurzheck Coupe Stahl Rahmen 15‘   P3.0 Porsche System   ??? History unknown.
908-021 Kurzheck Coupe Stahl Rahmen 15‘   P3.0 Porsche System   ??? History unknown.
908-022 Langheck Coupe 10/1/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Solar Production (1970) => Claude Haldi (1971) => Hans-Dieter Weigel (1972) => Guillermo Ortega, EC (1973) => Kurt Lotterschmid (late 1974) => August Deutsch => Ray Brezinka (1977) => Bill Bradley (1980) => Richard Attwood (1982 Aug) => Frank Gallogoly (1987) => Dick Barbour => Burkhard Von Schenck => Bob Jordan (15/1/1989) => Joe Mundy (2000) Built for Daytona 1969. Rebuilt as 908/01 Spyder before sold to Solar Production. While owned by Ortega it was given chassis plate from crashed 908/02-018 for paperwork reasons. A new bodywork by Felix Gmachmeier while owned by August Deutsch. During 1980÷1982 rebuilt back to iriginal factory 908/02 specifications.
908-023 Langheck Coupe 10/1/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => H. D. Dechent (17/9/1969) Built for Daytona 1969. Rebuilt as 908/01 Spyder before sold to Dechent.
908-024 Langheck Coupe 10/1/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Hiroshi Kazato, J (17/7/1970) => Kazato's friend (1974) => Peter Stoneberg (~2001) Built for Daytona 1969. Rebuilt as 908/01 Spyder before sold to Japan. Believed to by raced by Kazato in Japan in 1971.
908-025 Langheck Coupe 10/1/1969 P3.0 Porsche System ...=> Miles Collier (~2001) Built for Daytona 1969. Rebuilt as 908/01 Spyder. In 1985 again as Longtail Coupe (by G. Sutterfield, USA). Now (2001) in Miles Collier Museum, USA.
908-026 Langheck Coupe 10/1/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Auguste Veuillet/Sonauto... => Joe Buzzetta (~2001) Built for Daytona 1969. Rebuilt as 908/01 Spyder. Ex Jöst / S. Brun / Blatzheim?
908-027 Langheck Coupe 19/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System … => Duncan Powers (owner in 2001) Built for Monza 1969. Then spare car at Spa 1969. Later rebuilt as 908/02 Spyder.
908-028 Langheck Coupe 19/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System   Built for Monza 1969 and raced also at Spa. Rebuilt as 908/02 Spyder and renumbered as 908/02-014.
908-029 Langheck Coupe 4/6/1969 P3.0 Porsche System   Built for Le Mans 1969. Used to built 908/02 Flunder frame and bodywork.
908-030 Langheck Coupe 4/6/1969 P3.0 Porsche System   Built for Le Mans 1969. Scrapped after Le Mans accident and fire.
908-031 Langheck Coupe 1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Aase brother => ?, California (1973) => Gery Sutterfield (1988) => 1994 Reinhold Joest (1994) => Dr. Julio Palmaz (1999~2001) Built for Le Mans 1969. Used to built 908/02 Flunder frame and bodywork. In 1985 again as Longtail Coupe (by G. Sutterfield, USA)

Porsche 908/02 chassis:

Chassis Model Year Group First owner Next owners (year) Comment
908/02-001 Spyder (A) 27/2/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Porsche Salzburg (1969) => Richard Broström (1969) ...=> Stottart, USA (owner in 2001)  
908/02-002 Spyder (A) 8/2/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Porsche Salzburg (1969) Spyder Lang body before raced by Porsche Salzburg.
908/02-003 Spyder (A) 21/2/1969 P3.0 Porsche System   Car is in any museum or was scrapped (??).
908/02-004 Spyder (LM Flunder) 28/2/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Porsche Salzburg (1969) => Mr. Maioli, I Spyder Lang body before raced by Porsche Salzburg. In 29/5/1970 engine and gearbox sold to Dechent.
908/02-005 Spyder (LM Flunder) 28/2/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Hans-Dieter Dechent (18/2/1970) ...=> Ernst Schuster (owner in 2001) Spyder Lang body before sold to Dechent.
908/02-006 Spyder (A) 28/2/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Porsche Salzburg => Porsche Now (2001) in Porsche museum.
908/02-007 Spyder (A) 8/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System   Accident at Targa Florio 1969 by Elford, then 25/6/1969 scrapped.
908/02-008 Spyder (A) 8/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Alain De Cadenet (1969) => Niki Lauda (1970)  
908/02-009 Flunder (N) 1969 P3.0 Porsche System => /renumbered 908 02 019/ .... => Vasek Polak => Matsuda Collection Japan => Ottokar Jacobs (2000 ~2004) Nach long distance tests in Weissach rebuilt and renumbered as 908/02 019 and sold to Martini (H-D Dechent) 1969. Today (2001) 908/02 009 exists as original with engine number 908 028 and gearbox 916 009. Owner Ottkar Jacobs, USA.
908/02-010 Spyder (A) 8/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Richard Broström (1969) => Wicky Racing (1971) Albert Eggs in Sierre CH renovated the car (6/12/1982).
908/02-011 Spyder (A) 8/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Wihuri (1969) => A. G. Dean (1970) => Vasek Polak (1971)  
908/02-012 Spyder 25/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Ben Heiderich (1969)  
908/02-013 Spyder (A) 25/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Alex Soler-Roig (1969) => Almeras Freres => Peter Smith, USA (11/1976)  
908/02-014 Flunder lang (LM Flunder) 1969 P3.0 Porsche System   Probably built from 908 028. Car destroyed in accident of Peter Falk at Hockenheim 25/7/1969.
908/02-015 Spyder (A) 25/4/1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Tony Dean (9.6.1969) Raced by Dean 1969-1972.
908/02-016 Flunder (N) 27/5/1970 P3.0 Porsche System => Helmut Leuze (18/2/1970) ... => Louis Cosson (1971) => Christian Poirot (1972) => ...=> Amalfi Racing (~2001) It is possible that original 908/02 016 was renumbered 908/02 018 and sold to Karl von Wendt.
908/02-017 Flunder (N) 27/5/1970 P3.0 Porsche System => David Piper (1969) => Niki Lauda (1970) => Ray Brezinka => Henry E. Payne, USA (1975 or 1978~2001) => Today (2001) still at Mr. Payne.
908/02-018 Flunder (N) 21/5/1969 P3.0 Porsche System/Porsche Austria => Karl von Wendt (3/10/1970) => Guillermo Ortega (1971) It is possible that original 908/02-018 was renumbered 908/02-016 and sold to Helmut Leuze. Crashed by Ortega at 12 Hours Marlboro in September 1972 and became Ortega's source of spares for his newly purchased 908-022.
908/02-019 Spyder (A) 1969 P3.0 {908/02-009} Hans-Dieter Dechent ...=> Vasek Polak => /renumbered back to 908 02 009/ Originally 908/02 009 Martini Racing car - was renumbered 908/02 019 and sold to Hans-Dieter Dechent. Later when owned by Vasek Polak and given chassis 009 back.
908/02-020 Spyder 11/8/1969 P3.0 Aldington => Team Holland (1969) => Team AAW (1970) Aldington was Porsche GB importer. It was raced by Racing Holland since october 1969.
908/02-021 Spyder 11/8/1969 P3.0 Juan Fernandez ...=> Luis Fernando Goncalves. BR (owner in 2001)  
908/02-022 Spyder 22/7/1969 P3.0 Jürgen Neuhaus ...=> Preston Henn, USA (1/6/1982) => ... => Bobby Rahal (~2001)  
908/02-024 Flunder ?? P3.0     Sold to Japan. Is that 908-024??

Porsche 909 Bergspyder chassis:

Chassis Model Year Group First owner Next owners (year) Comment

Porsche 908/03 chassis:

Chassis Model Year Group First owner Next owners (year) Comment
908/03-001   1969 P3.0      
908/03-002   1969 P3.0 Porsche System => Phil Daigrepont (1999~2001) Factory test and development car.
908/03-003   1970 P3.0 Porsche Salzburg   Raced by Porsche Salzburg in 1970.
908/03-004   1970 P3.0      
908/03-005   1970 P3.0     ?
908/03-006   1975 P3.0 ? => Dr. H. Dannesberger (1975) => Egon Evertz (1976) => Kremer Racing (1978)  
908/03-007   1970 P3.0 Porsche Salzburg ...=> Dale Miller (~2001) Wrecked in Targa Florio 1970.
908/03-008   1970 P3.0 John Wyer => Martini Racing (1971) => Joest Racing (8/4/1972~2004) => Jerry Seinfeld (~2006) Raced by Porsche Salzburg and John Wyer in 1970 and by Martini in 1971. In 1975 rebuilt by Porsche with turbocharged engine for Joest (known as 908/4 TC or 908/3 TC).
908/03-009   1970 P3.0 John Wyer   Retained by Porsche all along. By 1997 still in Porsche Museum.
908/03-010   1970 P3.0 John Wyer   Burnt out in Targa Florio 1971.
908/03-011   1970 P3.0 John Wyer {destroyed} Wrecked at Nurburgring 1970. Chassis was scrapped.
908/03-011A   1979 Group 6/76 Siegfried Brunn => Walter Obrist => … => ?Ernst Schuster => …=> Luco (~2009) In late 70-ies Sigi Brunn got a permission from Porsche to built a new 908 03 011 and raced it in 1980.
908/03-012   1971 P3.0 John Wyer => Joest Racing (1972~1982) => ... => Jacky Setton, Paris (~2000) => ...=> Ernst Schuster (~7/2009) => Raced by John Wyer in 1971. Car had unusually fuel tank on the right side.
908/03-013   1971 P3.0 John Wyer => Juan Fernandez (10/1971) => Egon Evertz (1975) => Bill Bradley... => Siegfried Brunn (1981) => {destroyed => replacement built} ...=> Miles Collier (~2000~2009) Raced by John Wyer in 1971. In 1972 entered by Escuderia Montjuich, 1973 by Porsche Club Romand and Escuderia Montjuich, in 1974 by Escuderia Tibibado. Turbo engine since 1975. Herbert Müller died in the car at Nürburgring 1981. Brunn rebuilt the car and raced again in 1982-83. In 1997 still owned by Brunn and rebuilt to 1971 specification in Gulf colours for historics racing. Now (2000) in Florida with Miles Collier Museum.

Presented by WSRP Martin Krejci.
Last update: 1.5.2010